Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Kiss by 5am

Staring into the distance, wishing you knew.
Knew if she wanted to, or when to.
Confusion deepens, swirling like dye meeting water.
Lips meet
Explosion by feelings, emotions, of her.
Lips cuddling and wrapping.
Themselves with each other.
Then the taste. 
Of her.
Joining in the skin fest. 
Wet and delicious.
Tumbling over yours.
Gentle and mystic.
Contributing in affection.
In a dream. 
Then reality.
Waking up from a dream in someones mouth.
Wonderful and loving.
Time flies by like.
Seconds of a timer.
Racing, stumbling, flying by.
End nears. 
Relief covers, a blanket on a cold day.
No regret.
Arms full.
Love fills the mouth and the heart.
Nothing terrible.
Nothing wrong.
Nothing regretted.

1 comment:

  1. Man, 5am. This is amazing. I love the imagery used to describe the kiss. The metaphors add to the work- it's not boring. The way you plainly state things. It might make one feel awkward-
    "Then the taste.
    Of her.
    -but I feel like without lines like that, the piece looses meaning. It adds this incredible shock value that just brings the piece up a notch.

    That is all the English teacher in me. ;) On a regular person note, you totally hit what a first kiss is, or at least should be. Great job!
