Sunday, November 28, 2010

Play Together and Reality Showcase by Forrest A. Seaver

It’s hard to see something

Amazing happen

When we can’t see it

In ourselves.


Beat faster.

Every second.

Ever moment.



Looking for a reason

Why they’re in constant rhythm

With nothing.


Sometimes soft.

Sometimes loud.

Never failing to please.

Always flirting with failure.

Never wanting to play.

Always playing to live.

If only a more

Beautiful sound.

Try to play together.

Live with each other.

Not much different

Than me.


Kill me, beauty.

Pull me down

And hold my throat.

And still, as I


Your eyes draw me in

And show me darkness.

Black, behind your

Blue eyes, hide.

Cry in anxiety.

Shout to the sky

In utter happiness.

Killing for life.

Living until dead,

I am your victim,

Your lover, bled.

Fighting for breath.

Never gonna live

Up to your standards.

So just kill me,

Beauty divine.

Don’t steal my soul.

Don’t break my spirit.

They are all belonging

To you.

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